You'll start with the kid stuff: basic syntax, recursion, types and type classes. Then once you've got the basics down, the real black belt master-class begins: you'll learn to use applicative functors, monads, zippers, and all the other mythical Haskell constructs you've only read about in storybooks.
As you work your way through the author's imaginative (and occasionally insane) examples, you'll learn to: -Laugh in the face of side effects as you wield purely functional programming techniques -Use the magic of Haskell's "laziness" to play with infinite sets of data -Organize your programs by creating your own types, type classes, and modules -Use Haskell's elegant input/output system to share the genius of your programs with the outside world
Short of eating the author's brain, you will not find a better way to learn this powerful language than reading Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!","title":"Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!","coverLarge6ImageWidth":260,"articleOrderable":true,"availabilityIconType":"GREEN","displayPublicationDate":"Mai 2018","ean":"9781593272838","imgUrlsAbsolute":true,"price":4500,"coverImagePath":"","vlbArticle":false,"productTypeName":"BUCH","coverLarge5ImagePath":"","binder":"kartoniert","tolinoFamilySharingEnabled":false,"priceText":"","publicationDate":"2018-05-11","coverLargeImagePath":"","oldPriceText":"","availabilityMessage":"Sofort lieferbar","articleCollection":null,"affiliateArticle":false,"coverExtraLargeImagePath":"","oldPrice":0,"articleId":12448874,"coverMediumImagePath":"","coverLarge6ImagePath":"","coverSmallImagePath":"","coverImageWidth":100,"productLineName":"Bücher","reviewAvg":0,"coverLarge5ImageWidth":189,"excludedFromStock":false,"reviewTotal":0,"authors":"Miran Lipovaca"},"25966745":{"isDownload":false,"coverExtraLargeImageWidth":540,"productTypeDisplayName":"Buch","availabilityNumber":12,"bookStoreArticle":false,"authorsForSearch":[{"searchTerm":"Adam Tornhill","name":"Adam Tornhill"}],"coverLargeImageWidth":150,"blurb":"Jack the Ripper and legacy codebases have more in common than you'd think. Inspired by forensic psychology methods, you'll learn strategies to predict the future of your codebase, assess refactoring direction, and understand how your team influences the design. With its unique blend of forensic psychology and code analysis, this book arms you with the strategies you need, no matter what programming language you use.
Software is a living entity that's constantly changing. To understand software systems, we need to know where they came from and how they evolved. By mining commit data and analyzing the history of your code, you can start fixes ahead of time to eliminate broken designs, maintenance issues, and team productivity bottlenecks.
In this book, you'll learn forensic psychology techniques to successfully maintain your software. You'll create a geographic profile from your commit data to find hotspots, and apply temporal coupling concepts to uncover hidden relationships between unrelated areas in your code. You'll also measure the effectiveness of your code improvements. You'll learn how to apply these techniques on projects both large and small. For small projects, you'll get new insights into your design and how well the code fits your ideas. For large projects, you'll identify the good and the fragile parts.
Large-scale development is also a social activity, and the team's dynamics influence code quality. That's why this book shows you how to uncover social biases when analyzing the evolution of your system. You'll use commit messages as eyewitness accounts to what is really happening in your code. Finally, you'll put it all together by tracking organizational problems in the code and finding out how to fix them. Come join the hunt for better code!
What You Need:
You need Java 6 and Python 2.7 to run the accompanying analysis tools. You also need Git to follow along with the examples.","title":"Your Code as a Crime Scene: Use Forensic Techniques to Arrest Defects, Bottlenecks, and Bad Design in Your Programs","coverLarge6ImageWidth":292,"articleOrderable":true,"availabilityIconType":"YELLOW","displayPublicationDate":"Mai 2015","ean":"9781680500387","imgUrlsAbsolute":true,"price":3650,"coverImagePath":"","vlbArticle":false,"productTypeName":"BUCH","coverLarge5ImagePath":"","binder":"kartoniert","tolinoFamilySharingEnabled":false,"priceText":"","publicationDate":"2015-05-05","coverLargeImagePath":"","oldPriceText":"","availabilityMessage":"Lieferbar innerhalb von 2 Wochen","articleCollection":null,"affiliateArticle":false,"coverExtraLargeImagePath":"","oldPrice":0,"articleId":25966745,"coverMediumImagePath":"","coverLarge6ImagePath":"","coverSmallImagePath":"","coverImageWidth":117,"productLineName":"Bücher","reviewAvg":0,"coverLarge5ImageWidth":208,"excludedFromStock":false,"reviewTotal":0,"authors":"Adam Tornhill"},"26555396":{"isDownload":true,"coverExtraLargeImageWidth":485,"productTypeDisplayName":"eBook","availabilityNumber":5,"bookStoreArticle":false,"authorsForSearch":[{"searchTerm":"Robert C. Martin","name":"Robert C. Martin"}],"coverLargeImageWidth":135,"blurb":"Even bad code can function. But if code isn't clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Noted software expert Robert C. Martin presents a revolutionary paradigm with Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Martin has teamed up with his colleagues from Object Mentor to distill their best agile practice of cleaning code "on the fly" into a book that will instill within you the values of a software craftsman and make you a better programmer-but only if you work at it.
What kind of work will you be doing? You'll be reading code-lots of code. And you will be challenged to think about what's right about that code, and what's wrong with it. More importantly, you will be challenged to reassess your professional values and your commitment to your craft.
Clean Code is divided into three parts. The first describes the principles, patterns, and practices of writing clean code. The second part consists of several case studies of increasing complexity. Each case study is an exercise in cleaning up code-of transforming a code base that has some problems into one that is sound and efficient. The third part is the payoff: a single chapter containing a list of heuristics and "smells" gathered while creating the case studies. The result is a knowledge base that describes the way we think when we write, read, and clean code.
Readers will come away from this book understanding - How to tell the difference between good and bad code - How to write good code and how to transform bad code into good code - How to create good names, good functions, good objects, and good classes - How to format code for maximum readability - How to implement complete error handling without obscuring code logic - How to unit test and practice test-driven development This book is a must for any developer, software engineer, project manager, team lead, or systems analyst with an interest in producing better code.","title":"Clean Code","coverLarge6ImageWidth":262,"articleOrderable":true,"availabilityIconType":"GREEN","displayPublicationDate":"August 2008","ean":"9780136083252","imgUrlsAbsolute":true,"price":2699,"coverImagePath":"","vlbArticle":false,"productTypeName":"EBOOK","coverLarge5ImagePath":"","binder":"epub eBook","tolinoFamilySharingEnabled":false,"priceText":"","publicationDate":"2008-08-01","coverLargeImagePath":"","oldPriceText":"","availabilityMessage":"Sofort lieferbar (Download)","articleCollection":null,"affiliateArticle":false,"coverExtraLargeImagePath":"","oldPrice":0,"articleId":26555396,"coverMediumImagePath":"","coverLarge6ImagePath":"","coverSmallImagePath":"","coverImageWidth":105,"productLineName":"eBooks","reviewAvg":0,"coverLarge5ImageWidth":187,"excludedFromStock":false,"reviewTotal":0,"authors":"Robert C. Martin"},"28979687":{"isDownload":false,"coverExtraLargeImageWidth":480,"productTypeDisplayName":"Buch","availabilityNumber":0,"bookStoreArticle":false,"authorsForSearch":[{"searchTerm":"","name":""}],"coverLargeImageWidth":120,"blurb":"The overwhelming majority of a software system's lifespan is spent in use, not in design or implementation. So, why does conventional wisdom insist that software engineers focus primarily on the design and development of large-scale computing systems? In this collection of essays and articles, key members of Google's Site Reliability Team explain how and why their commitment to the entire lifecycle has enabled the company to successfully build, deploy, monitor, and maintain some of the largest software systems in the world. You'll learn the principles and practices that enable Google engineers to make systems more scalable, reliable, and efficient—lessons directly applicable to your organization. This book is divided into four sections:Introduction—Learn what site reliability engineering is and why it differs from conventional IT industry practicesPrinciples—Examine the patterns, behaviors, and areas of concern that influence the work of a site reliability engineer (SRE)Practices—Understand the theory and practice of an SRE's day-to-day work: building and operating large distributed computing systemsManagement—Explore Google's best practices for training, communication, and meetings that your organization can use","title":"Site Reliability Engineering","coverLarge6ImageWidth":260,"articleOrderable":true,"availabilityIconType":"GREEN","displayPublicationDate":"April 2016","ean":"9781491929124","imgUrlsAbsolute":true,"price":6150,"coverImagePath":"","vlbArticle":false,"productTypeName":"BUCH","coverLarge5ImagePath":"","binder":"kartoniert","tolinoFamilySharingEnabled":false,"priceText":"","publicationDate":"2016-04-30","coverLargeImagePath":"","oldPriceText":"","availabilityMessage":"Sofort lieferbar","articleCollection":null,"affiliateArticle":false,"coverExtraLargeImagePath":"","oldPrice":0,"articleId":28979687,"coverMediumImagePath":"","coverLarge6ImagePath":"","coverSmallImagePath":"","coverImageWidth":100,"productLineName":"Bücher","reviewAvg":0,"coverLarge5ImageWidth":190,"excludedFromStock":false,"reviewTotal":0,"authors":""},"45929747":{"isDownload":false,"coverExtraLargeImageWidth":480,"productTypeDisplayName":"Buch","availabilityNumber":0,"bookStoreArticle":false,"authorsForSearch":[{"searchTerm":"Matthias Kirschner","name":"Matthias Kirschner"}],"coverLargeImageWidth":120,"blurb":"Ein Buch über den selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Technik
Ein modernes Märchen, das die Freude am Tüfteln vermittelt und zum selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Software aufruft: für Kinder ab 6 Jahren
Eine charmante Geschichte, die auch den (vorlesenden) Erwachsenen Spaß macht
Mit vierfarbigen Illustrationen von Sandra Brandstätter (u.a. Character-Designerin für die Serie »Trudes Tier«, Sendung mit der Maus)
In einer riesigen Villa hoch oben über der Stadt lebt der berühmte Erfinder Zangemann. Erwachsene wie Kinder lieben seine Erfindungen und wollen sie unbedingt haben. Doch dann geschieht etwas: Zangemann kommt in die Stadt, um seine Erfindungen wieder einmal aus der Nähe zu betrachten und - RUMMS! - ein Kind fährt ihm mit seinem Skateboard gegen das Schienbein. Wutentbrannt trifft der Erfinder eine Entscheidung und dann passieren merkwürdige Dinge ... Aber das kluge Mädchen Ada durchschaut, was vor sich geht. Gemeinsam mit ihren Freund:innen schmiedet sie einen Plan.
Das illustrierte Kinderbuch erzählt die Geschichte vom berühmten Erfinder Zangemann und dem Mädchen Ada, einer neugierigen Tüftlerin. Ada beginnt mit Hardware und Software zu experimentieren und erkennt dabei, wie wichtig der eigenständige, freie Umgang mit Software für sie und andere ist.
Ein Buch für Kinder ab 6 Jahren, das Freude am Tüfteln vermittelt und zum selbstbestimmten Umgang mit dem Computer und Technik aufruft.","title":"Ada und Zangemann","coverLarge6ImageWidth":260,"articleOrderable":true,"availabilityIconType":"GREEN","displayPublicationDate":"Dezember 2021","ean":"9783960091905","imgUrlsAbsolute":true,"price":1690,"coverImagePath":"","vlbArticle":false,"productTypeName":"BUCH","coverLarge5ImagePath":"","binder":"gebunden","tolinoFamilySharingEnabled":false,"priceText":"","publicationDate":"2021-12-02","coverLargeImagePath":"","oldPriceText":"","availabilityMessage":"Sofort lieferbar","articleCollection":null,"affiliateArticle":false,"coverExtraLargeImagePath":"","oldPrice":0,"articleId":45929747,"coverMediumImagePath":"","coverLarge6ImagePath":"","coverSmallImagePath":"","coverImageWidth":100,"productLineName":"Bücher","reviewAvg":0,"coverLarge5ImageWidth":190,"excludedFromStock":false,"reviewTotal":0,"authors":"Matthias Kirschner"}},"affiliateEmployees":{}},"title":"Home","modules":[{"cmsModuleType":"GAP","moduleType":"mod_gap","modifiedAt":"2017-01-30 10:07:46","moduleId":10947,"content":"{\"attributes\":{\"gap\":{\"typeDef\":{\"type\":\"select\"},\"value\":\"12px\",\"changedValue\":{}}}}"},{"cmsModuleType":"HEADLINE_TEXT","moduleType":"mod_headline_text","modifiedAt":"2017-01-30 16:29:03","moduleId":10909,"content":"{\"attributes\":{\"headlineText\":{\"typeDef\":{\"type\":\"text-line\"},\"value\":\"Bücher kaufen und Freie Software fördern.\",\"changedValue\":{}},\"text\":{\"typeDef\":{\"type\":\"text\"},\"value\":\"Wissen wird immer mehr digitalisiert. Software ist der Schlüssel zum Zugang zu digitalen Informationen. Freie Software garantiert den Menschen den unabhängigen Zugang zu Informationen. Unternehmen fördern oft Kunst oder Sport, wir engagieren uns als Software-Firma für Freie Software. Eines dieser Engagements ist, der weltweit erste Internet-Shop zur Förderung Freier Software. Und das geht so: Für jedes verkaufte Buch erhalten wir eine Provision von 5%. Alle Provisionen gehen zu 100% als Spende an die renommierte Free Software Foundation Europe (FSF Europe). Noch nie war es so einfach, für einen guten Zweck zu spenden. Sie brauchen einfach nur ein Buch online zu kaufen! Machen Sie mit und erzählen Sie anderen davon!